Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Inglés' skeleton

I spent all day drawing skeletons, turns out I have issues drawing anything that involves counting... Damn you ribs!... you brought use women and deliciousness but nothing else, seriously, look at yourself you calcium deposit you, I crack you, I crack you with my hand!.... anywho,  fixed my scanner today, and finishing an essay I planned on finishing weeks ago, success!.. well not really more of an eventual failing of my previously apparent perpetual procrastination. Scanner shall be used tomorrow and will start using this blog for it's original purpose, personal shame in order to improve. Here is a a picture that reminds me  there is a really gay party happening in my ear shot, 5th class meaning of gay, and other meaning at the same time, damn you Enrique your not English; not even in Spannish, you-you Spanlanese you!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Effile triffel

Did you ever do something weird so you could talk to someone without it being weird... or at least less weird. This is a result of some such process, a thought process which must be delved into further- it may be a little psychic as they say down the 50's british cafés, why, because it seems I sent a picture of 27 eiffle towers to said individual while they where on a weekend in Paris, which seriously even made me feel a bit creeped out by me, I repeat I did not have any way of knowing this, but stuff like this happens alot. I did it again with a grid and all the numbers worked out, but this one is an angsty memory, and I'm banking that being an angsty 20 something is the way to be taken seriously- It worked for Chandler, or was that the third nipple.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Post

First post, this may be fun, I assume I will get bored quite quick, today was rainy, blog... blog... blog... blog, and I have a strange obsession with getting one of those Leatherman ® thingies after I saw Joshua Jackson's character on Fringe use one to break into a house then remove a wood panel that covered over an invention to save our dimension from folding in some strange space time implosion, though breaking and entering, DIY and quantum string theory are not things I want to do, come to think of it the thing dosen't even have a cork screw- very strange urge.